Sunday, July 20, 2014

Week #3 Reflections

Exploring new technology can be exciting and challenging at the same time.  As a look back over the past week, I can say that I spent an enormous amount of time researching the pros of using social media in schools and learning how to create my FIRST PREZI!  To me, using a Prezi for presentations is a step up from PowerPoint, it is a polished product and intriguing.  I like all the features it has and the amount of images you can upload at your fingertips.

This week, I also had the opportunity to participate in my first live "Tweet" sessions with students from Canada.  It was a little overwhelming and fast for me.  I felt like I was trying to digest a question and during that time, many responses to other questions/comments appeared on my screen.  I am not sure if that is how quick it goes every time but I can see how this may be challenging for young and old.

Lastly, after reading chapter 3, there was one area that really peaked my interest. The power of getting know students outside of the classroom and how this reflected over time to more engaged students within the classroom environment.  If you were a teacher, would you implement the two by ten strategy with a difficult or challenging student? Why or Why not???
Making personal connections with your students is HUGE in my book!

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